Introduction 1 ©Copyright MMVIII Nicholas Direct, Inc. ho can benefit by applying the tips in this Special Report? Every single business that wants to gain and keep more customers. And isn’t this the main purpose of business anyway? W Look at it this way. The only function of business that is not a cost center is marketing (and sales). Marketing brings in revenue and earns profit if it’s successful. All other business functions (research, finance, and production) are cost centers. Please don’t misunderstand me. These are crucially important business functions. But they are costs. They don't bring in a single penny of revenue. The man beneficiaries of the valuable and proven information contained in this report will be online and offline direct marketers. Indeed the biggest successes online today have become so by mastering offline direct marketing. And then applying it to the Internet. But don't make a common mistake. If you are not in a business that markets direc...
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